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Did we get any 9.8?? 😤 CGC unboxing 25 prescreen
CGC modern grail haul & unboxing - did we get 9.8s?
Get the 9.6 NOT the 9.8 of These Comics
Are CGC 9.8 Pre-Orders Risky? My Experience!
CGC prescreen books are back !! How many 9.8’s did we get!
Unboxing 30 CGC Books! How Many 9.8 Did I Get?
Minor CGC Unboxing Fail... But at Least They Look Like 9.8’s
9.8 Versus 9.6: How Different Are They Really?
CGC Comics submission unboxing #2. What did we get this time? 9.8?
9.8 CGC pre-screening Unboxing/ How many 9.8's did we get?
Why Are 9.8s Expensive? 💰 9.8 vs 9.6 Comics
THIS IS WHY ALL 9.8 COMICS ARE NOT EQUAL! (All collectors should know this)